Saturday, December 29, 2007

More about Sappho

My friends from web analytics company, asked me to do some stuff, while I was telling you about Sappho. So, revenons a nos moutons...

Sappho's poetry centers around passion and love for various personages and genders. The word "lesbian" itself derives from the name of the island of her birth, Lesbos. Her name is also the origin of its less common synonym sapphic. The narrators of many of her poems speak of infatuations and love for various women.

In antiquity, Sappho was commonly regarded as the greatest, or one of the greatest, of lyric poets. An epigram in the Anthologia Palatina, ascribed to Plato says:

Some say the Muses are nine: how careless!
Look, there's Sappho too, from Lesbos, the tenth.

And I could not agree more.

I will tell you more interesting stuff later on.

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