Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Author of sarcastic masterpieces

One of the most famous German minnesingers Neidhart von Reuental was born in Bavaria and lived in Austria. His name is most likely a pseudonym and we don’t know much about his life at all.

Neidhart’s creative period lasted for almost thirty years - from 1210 to 1240. He was well-known for his sarcastic and comical masterpieces that were extremely popular in Europe. His songs were so harsh, that they were complete opposite to the topics that regular minnesingers used, singing about courtly love and romances. In his most famous songs called May Time he starts describing beautiful landscape and peaceful spring, but pretty soon switches to insulting his foes and several friends and allies who betrayed him. In spite of his harshness, the popularity of Neidhart’s songs gave birth to many imitators of his style in the next two centuries. Specialists even gave these imitators special names, like pseudo-Neidharts.

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